Quarterly Contest Rules

  1. The quarterly contest is divided into four seasons: 1st,2nd, 3rd, 4th, quarter
  2. Participation in these contests is free for local, domestic, and international members. For each contest, each member is allowed to submit four photos.
  3. Each photo may be submitted to only one contest.
  4. The photos may not be used for commercial purposes. The association reserves the right to use all submitted photos for non-commercial use.
  5. The photo content may include dimension, documentary and landscape.
  6. All submissions must be the original work of the member.
  7. Members are allowed computer touch-ups and artistic beautification to the photos.
  8. Submissions may not be entirely computer generated. Pornographic, vulgar, violent and disturbing content are not allowed.
  9. Disputes involving copyright works are not accepted, and does not accept plagiarized work of others.


  1. The quarterly contest will award the following: Gold, Silver and Bronze awards and Honorable Mentions.
  2. Special Occasion Contests will not be included in the quarterly contests but will follow the same selection criteria as the quarterly contests.
  3. Annual awards will be announced at the annual Board Committee meeting.