Distinction Rules & Regulations


All distinction application and images must be email to: General.info.psny@gmail.com
The Photographic Society of  New York have three different classes of distinction: A).Class of Honorary Honors , B).Class of  Photographic Art Honors, C).Class of Exhibitors Honors



A. Class of Honorary Honors

a1. Hon.FPSNY- Honorary Fellow Of The Photographic Society Of New York. (not available for applying, by nomination only )

a2. Hon.PSNY - Honorary Member Of The Photographic Society Of New York. (not available for applying, by nomination only )

a3. SVCPSNY - Service Of The Photographic Society of New York. (not available for applying, by nomination only )




B. Class of Photographic Art Honors

b1. Hon. OPC-PSNY - Honorary Outstanding Photographer Of the Century Of The Photographic Society Of New York . (not available for applying, by nomination only )

b2. FPSNY - Fellow Of The Photographic Society Of New York.

c3. APSNY - Associate Of The Photographic Society Of New York.     


Rules and regulations for applying APSNY and FPSNY


1. Members of the Photographic Society of New York (PSNY), in fulfilling their obligations of this Society, and attained photographic achievements, may apply for the Honors given by the Society.

2. PSNY provides two (2) honors for members to recognize member's achievements: a).Associate of The Photographic Society of New York(APSNY). b).Fellow of The Photographic Society of New York(FPSNY)

3. Following three months of membership, any members may apply for the APSNY.

4. Following one year of acceptance into APSNY, those members may apply for FPSNY.

5. Applicants for the Honors must submit their images to the PSNY Honors Chairman and be approved by the Board of Directors.

6. If approved by the Board of Directors into Honors, a title will be added following the member’s name, and a certificate will be issued bearing their title.

7. Members who do not comply with the Society's regulations, tarnish the reputation and interest of the Society, or commit fraud in the Society’s name,  and if confirmed by an investigation into their activities, their membership and Honors will be revoked by the Board of Directors. All members will be informed of the revoked membership and an announcement will be posted to the Society's website. The Society also reserves the right to legally pursue the law.

8. Applicants must submit digital files in jpeg format.

9. Applicants have 3 chances of  assessment for each application.

  •                     If not accepted the first try, the applicant have to wait two (2) months before applying again but within three (3) months.  
  •                     If not accepted the second try, the applicant have to wait three (3) months before applying again but within six (6) months. 
  •                     If not accepted the third try, the entire application process is complete and the application fee will not be refunded.

10. If the application is not accepted following the entire application process, the applicant will have to wait twelve (12) months before reapplying.

11. Applicants must pay by USD, money orders or cheque, or PAYPAL. 


money order or cheque pay to


Mailing address


PO BOX 998, 

New York, NY 10002, 


PAYPAL email


E-mail address for digital images



 APSNY Requirements

1. Applicants must submit 12 digital images  in JPEG format for applying APSNY .

2. Digital images must be approximately  2000 pixels or higher, image quality should be “high” or above. 

3.There is no fixed theme; the applicant may submit images of their own choosing. Modification of images to express applicant's creativity is allowed.

4. Photographic submissions will be audited based on light and composition, the basic concept of art, quality and modifications.

5. Application fee is USD 150.00.


FPSNY Requirements

1. Applicants must submit three (3) sets of photos in JPEG format for applying FPSNY. Each Set should consist of six (6) images and fall within the Portrait theme (mandatory), Plus two (2) other themes of applicant's choice. Please refer to the Club's preset themes below. 

2. Digital images must be greater than 2600 pixels in length.

3. All images must be in either all Color or all Mono format. Combination of color and mono in same theme will be unacceptable.

4.  Applicant fee is USD$150.00.


1. Portrait ( including human and animal, indoor and outdoor ) _ Mandatory theme
2. Pictorial
3. Landscape / Cityscape / Seascape
4. Macro
5. Sport
6. People and culture
7. Creative
8. Indoor/outdoor performances
9. Sill life
10. Commercial product
11. Domesticated animals
12. Nature ( follow PSA definitions and guidelines )
13. Photo travel  ( follow PSA definitions and guidelines )



C.  Class of Exhibitor of the International Salon of Photography Honors


          Hon. EPSNY
          SEPSNY, EEPSNY


Series for Exhibitor of PSNY International Salon of Photography 

c1. Participants in the annual PSNY International Salon Of Photography(Members and non-members), may apply for the different distinction titles of  “Exhibitor Of The Photographic Society Of New York(PSNY) International Salon of Photography”. 

c2. The Distinction Title of “Exhibitor of the PSNY International Salon of Photography” will only include works submitted to the annual competition  of  "PSNY International Salon of Photography".  All works submitted to other competitions and leagues will not be included.

c3. “Exhibitor of the PSNY International Salon of Photography”  will have 4 different titles. Each title is determined by the number of points calculated from the total number of selected works to the annual competitions of "PSNY International Salon of Photography"  .

c4. The calculation of the total number of works will begin from the first session of the "PSNY International Salon of Photography 1973".  The total number of selected works will be the cumulative of all works from each division, section, and theme. Each selected work will receive one point. (Example: If participants submit 4 images of his/her work to each of 5 different division/section/theme, and all the work were selected, this participant will receive the number of 20 points.  The titles will begin with EPSNY, followed by the CEPSNY, than the GEPSNY, with the PEESNY as the highest title. The points obtained to reach lower titles will be included in the point calculation for higher titles. (Example: the 20 points to reach the first level will be part of the 40 points to reach the next level). 

c5. After obtaining higher titles in the Distinction Title of Exhibition Certificate, each applicant will only need to show the highest title.

c6. Applicants may obtain titles based on their current cumulative amount of work.  Applicants do not need to start applying from the first title.

c7. After verifying the information on the application, PSNY will officially award the certificate title, and publish relevant information on the Society's website.

c8. All interpretations and the right to adjust the requirements for the Certificate for the Distinction Title of “Exhibitor of the PSNY International Salon of Photography”  are owned by The Photographic Society of New York. 

c9. PSNY International Salon judges will earn three points for each section they judge for every year when they judge. 

c10. PSNY Exhibition Committee salon Chairman will get three point for every year they chair. (Committee member should not get more than three points every year.)

c11. PSNY Exhibition Committee Salon Vice-Chairman, secretary and salon editor will earn two points every year. (Committee member should not get more than three points every year.)

c12. PSNY Exhibition Committee regular members will get one point every year. (Committee member should not get more than three points every year.

c13. Application fee IS USD$25.00

c14. The completed application form should be emailed to : General.info.psny@gmail.com


Distinction Title And Requirement


1.  EPSNY : Exhibitor of PSNY_ (require: 20points) 

2.  CEPSNY : Coral Exhibitor of PSNY _ (require: EPSNY + 20 points = 40 points) 

3.  GEPSNY :  Gold Exhibitor of PSNY _  (require: CEPSNY + 30 points = 70 points)     

4.  PEPSNY :  Platinum Exhibitor of PSNY _ (require: GEPSNY + 30 points = 100 points)  


          Exhibitior of PSNY Distinction Title application form


Honorary Exhibitor of PSNY International Salon of Photography 

Honorary Exhibitor Of The PSNY International Salon of Photography(Hon. EPSNY): Participants in the annual PSNY International Salon Of Photography(Members and non-members), who have total of 12 or more acceptance in same division, same section in 4 years, may apply for this distinction title. 

Application fee is USD$25.00


          Honorary Exhibitor of PSNY application form


Exhibitor Of The Photographic Society Of New York for worldwide salon:


The two distinctions below are applicable to PSNY members only. PSNY members, Any member in the corresponding qualifications can be applied to the title team leader, without evaluation. These two distinctions can apply individually.

1. SEPSNY (Salon Exhibitor Of The Photographic Society Of New York) : Applicant who are listed as PSA Top Ten Photographer of the World twice (2x) and have been awarded PSA medals twice (2x).

2. EEPSNY (Excellent Exhibitor Of The Photographic Society Of New York) : Applicant who are listed as PSA Top Ten Photographer of the World twice (4x) and have been awarded PSA medals twice (5x) .



The application requirments: 

a)  English Name。 

b) The Year of the applicant was listed as PSA Top Ten Photographer of the World, Ranking, Division.

c). Application fee is USD$50.00